Beginner Unity Sushi

Give MazeRobo Something to Play With

Now that you’ve got your character and it’s moving around properly, it’s time to give it something to play with! You’re going to add a ball for the MazeRobo to push around.

  • Start by creating a Sphere (GameObject > 3D Object > Sphere). Rename it Ball.

  • Set the Transform Position property of Ball to:
    X: 0
    Y: 1
    Z: 2
  • Make another material (see the Add colour step if you don’t remember how!) and make it green. Call it BallGreen and drag it onto Ball!

The sphere and the green material

If you test the game now and walk MazeRobo into the sphere, you’ll notice it behaves just like the wall: it doesn’t move. You want the sphere to be a rolling ball though, so you’ll need to give it some rules for moving, like MazeRobo has.

  • Select Ball and give it a Rigidbody component (Component > Physics > Rigidbody).

  • Now try playing!

Gameplay now with a ball that rolls