Beginner Unity Sushi

Make the World’s Ground

Now you’re going to create a ground plane for MazeRobo to move about on!

  • Start by adding a Quad object to be the ground (GameObject > 3D Object > Quad). Change the name of this object from Quad to Ground in the Inspector.

  • In the Inspector for this new object under Transform, set the X Rotation to 90, and for Scale, enter these values:

    X = 40.96
    Y = 40.96
    Z = 1

    Setting the transform properties for the ground

Gah! MazeRobo’s stuck halfway into the ground! Let’s move her up by one meter.

  • Select MazeRobo and, in the Inspector under Transform, set the following Position coordinates:
    X = 0
    Y = 1
    Z = 0

    Positioning MazeRobo onto the ground

Now you’ll add a wall to start your maze!

  • Create a Cube (GameObject > 3D Object > Cube) and set its Transform Position to:
    X = -2
    Y = 1.5
    Z = 0
  • Set the Y Scale to 3 and rename the object to Wall.

  • Now make a new material for Wall (Assets > Create > Materials), rename it WallBlue, and change its albedo to give it a (surprise!) blue colour.

  • Assign the WallBlue material to Wall using the MeshRender > Materials section of the Inspector (you can also drag the material straight onto the object).

Later on, you’ll turn this wall into a maze for MazeRobo to explore!

MazeRobo next to the Wall object