Beginner Unity Sushi


You’ve got a robot, you’ve got a ball… now in order for it to be a game, there’s got to be a way to win! You’ll be adding that now.

  • First, add another cube and call it WinZone. Maybe give it a new, noticeable colour (yellow? orange? pink?).

  • Make sure you have WinZone selected in the Hierarchy, and in the Inspector under Box Collider, select the Is Trigger option.

The Is Trigger checkbox has been ticked

  • Set the Transform Position property of WinZone so that it is:
    X: -5
    Y: 1
    Z: -2

    You’re going to write another script to let WinZone detect when the Ball touches it. In order to do that, the ball needs to be tagged.

  • Select Ball in the Hierarchy, and in the Inspector select the Tag field just under its name.

The Tag property in the inspector

  • Choose Add Tag…, then click on the + icon and create the tag ‘Ball’.

Click the plus to add a new tag
Creating a new tag called Ball

  • Re-select Ball in the Hierarchy, select the Tag field again, and choose the ‘Ball’ tag you just created.

Select the Ball tag for the Ball object

While you’re at it, why not add some celebration to let the player know when they’ve won!

  • Create a Particle System (GameObject > Effects > Particle System) and call it Fireworks.

  • Select the Fireworks object and unselect the box beside its name in the Inspector. This hides the object, so you can make it appear once you’re ready to set off the fireworks!

The checkbox next to Fireworks is unticked

  • Now look in the list of settings in the Inspector, find Start Color and set it to yellow, or green, or whatever you like really!

  • Finally, make the Position of the Fireworks match the Position of WinZone.

Now you’ll add code to make the fireworks appear when it’s the right time!

  • Create a C# script (in the Scripts folder) called WinZone. Open the new script and remove the Start and Update functions. Put this code inside it instead:
public GameObject fireworks;

void OnTriggerEnter (Collider col) {
  if (col.transform.CompareTag ("Ball")) {
    fireworks.SetActive (true);

What does the new code do?

What’s happening here is that a GameObject called fireworks is created (you’ll connect it to your Fireworks in a moment), and the script then waits for any Rigidbody to touch the Collider object it’s attached to (whichever one you drag the script onto — in this case it’ll be WinZone).

The Rigidbody that collided with it will automatically be assigned to the Collider variable col. If that Rigidbody happens to have the tag ‘Ball’, then the fireworks object will be made to appear.

  • Save the changes to the script and go back into Unity.

  • Drag the script onto the WinZone in the Hierarchy and then, with WinZone selected, drag the Fireworks object from the Hierarchy into the Fireworks field in the WinZone section of the Inspector.

Drag Fireworks onto the script in the WinZone inspector

The Fireworks value in the script

  • Save the game, run it, and put the Ball in the WinZone. See what happens!

Fireworks appearing when the ball is pushed into the win zone

That’s all the basic pieces of the game!

Challenge: make a maze for the robot

Now, your robot is called ‘MazeRobo’, so there should probably be a maze!

  • You’ve got one wall, so add some more cubes, play with their Position and Scale to build a few walls!

  • Give your player a real challenge: move the WinZone around a little, so it’s harder to get to!

  • If you know someone else who is making this game, try doing a swap to see if you can beat each other’s mazes!