Accessibility Map

Creating the Layout

  • Create a new project in App Inventor and name it AccessApp, or come up with a catchier name of your own!

  • First you’re going to set up a home screen. Add a label and two buttons to your app. Make the label say the name of the app, and set the texts of the buttons to “Add a place” and “Nearest accessible place”.

Now I don’t know about you, but I think the title should be bigger!

  • Go to the label’s Properties and change the FontSize to something nice and large. I chose 28, but you could go bigger!

Now since you have that new, nice, large title, you can get rid of one at the top of the screen.

  • Click on the screen under Components, and in its Properties, un-check the TitleVisible checkbox.

  • Those buttons are a bit small too, so go to their Properties and change their widths to Fill parent.

  • Finally, let’s add an image. Find or draw a suitable image or use the one here:

  • Now get an Image component and drag it onto the screen. In its Properties, find Picture, then Upload File, and upload the image you want to use.

Centering something

Depending on the size of your image, it might be be cool if it was displayed in the centre of the screen.

  • To do that you will need a HorizontalArrangement from Layout. Drag one onto the screen and move your Image into it.

  • Now click on HorizontalArrangement and go to its Properties. Set the Width to Fill parent, then find AlignHorizontal and switch it to Center: 3.

My picture is bigger than the screen

If you’re using a picture that’s too big, no problem!

  • Click on the image and look at its Properties.

  • Check the box ScalePictureToFit. This will shrink the picture to fit the screen.

  • Awesome! You’ve just finished the first screen. Here’s what mine looks like:

  • Now make another screen named “AddPlace”.

  • Like before, add a Label with the screen’s title. Also add another Label saying “Location:”, a TextBox, and two Buttons saying “Current Location” and “Save Place”.

  • Now try out some of your new skills. Give the TextBox a width of “Fill parent” and use two HorizontalArrangements to center both Buttons.

It might look better if the save button was at the very bottom.

  • Change the height of its HorizontalArrangment to Fill parent and then just set its AlignVertical property to Bottom: 3.

  • Awesome! You should have something like this:

  • Now you just need to add one more screen. Name it “ListOfPlaces”.

  • This one is really simple: drag a ListView out and change its Height to Fill parent.

That’s all your screens ready to go!