Guide To My Country 2.0

Getting Set Up

  • Go to the starter trinket project at The examples in these Sushi Cards are mainly based on this project.

  • If you prefer, you can work with a website that you already made.

I have an account on Trinket

  • Click the Remix button in the top right-hand corner of the project (if you are not signed in, you will be prompted to do so. Once you’ve signed in, you will then need to click the Remix button again). This creates a copy of the project for you to work with.

Remix button

It should say remixed after you click it:

Button now says "remixed"

I don’t have an account on Trinket

Even if you don’t have an account, you can still work with Trinket.

Saving your work

You can save your work by using one of the options in the Share menu. You can either download the project or get a link that you can save, for example in a document, or send via email.
Note: each time you make a change to the project, you will get a new link.

How to sign up for an account

If you want to create an account on Trinket, follow the steps below. This will allow you to access your work easily from any computer, and to remix projects somebody else has shared with you (meaning save a copy to which you can make changes).

  • In browser tab with the starter trinket project, click Sign Up For Your Free Account. You will need an email address to sign up.

  • Enter your email address and choose a password, or ask somebody to do this for you.

  • You can now access all your saved or remixed projects by clicking on your username and going to My Trinkets.
    "My Trinkets" menu item