Captions and Side Notes

On this card you’ll learn about two more types of container element: one that you can use to add a caption (some text like a title or short description) to a picture, and another for when you have extra stuff that doesn’t really belong with the main information on a page.

Pictures with captions

  • Find an img element where you have text above or below that goes with the picture. I’m working with the Tito picture on index.html, but you can go with whatever is on your website.
<img id="owly" src="barn-owl.jpg" class="topDivider someSpacing mediumPictures" alt="A barn owl" />the dog" />
  Owly the barn owl
  • On the line above the code, add the opening tag <figure>. On a new line below the code, place the closing tag </figure>.

  • Next, remove the p tags, or whatever tags you have around the text (maybe it’s a heading, like h2?), and put the text in between <figcaption> </figcaption> tags instead. The whole thing should look something like this:

    <img id="owly" src="barn-owl.jpg" class="topDivider someSpacing mediumPictures" alt="A barn owl" />the dog" />
    Owly the barn owl

The figcaption element is your caption. It can go either above the img element or below it.

Picture of a barn owl with a caption

Why is this useful?

The figure element acts as a sort of container for your picture and its caption. This allows you to treat them as one unit when defining styles.

Grouping them together logically also helps to maintain good structure in your website code.

You can use CSS code to style figure and figcaption as you would any other element using classes, IDs, or element selectors. I’m adding the following rules to remove the extra spacing that was added by the new container:

figure {
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;

Side notes

The Protected Birds page on my website is a list of bird species that are in decline in Ireland. I want to add some notes about common reasons for declining bird numbers, as well as some useful links. That information doesn’t really belong in the article element with all the birds. This is an example of when you might use the aside element.

  • Go to a page of your website that has an article element on it — I’m using birds.html.

  • Outside of the article element, add one or more pairs of <aside> </aside> tags containing your extra stuff.

<aside class="sideNoteStyle">
    <h3>Threats to birds</h3>
      Some of the main reasons for declining numbers of birds are:
      <li>Habitat destruction</li>
      <li>Climate change</li>
  <aside class="sideNoteStyle">
    <h3>Useful links</h3>
    <p>See the complete published <span class="warnOrange">amber</span> and <span class="warnRed">red</span> lists
    <a href="">here</a>.</p>

    <p>Check out the Wikipedia <a href="">article</a>.</p>

Why is this useful?

The aside, article, and other containers are all similar. The only real difference is in the meaning, that is, what you use them for.

It’s important to use meaningful HTML elements whenever you can. It gives your website better structure and is especially helpful for people using screen readers.

Did you spot the other element in there, span? This is a special tag you can use just for adding extra CSS code! You can put anything in between a pair of span tags. It’s useful for things like styling a part of the text in a paragraph.

  • Add the following CSS code to your style sheet to complete the styling for the HTML code above.
.sideNoteStyle {
  border: dotted 1px purple;
  background-color: #cddffe;
  padding: 0.5em;
  margin: 0.5em;
.warnOrange {
  background-color: #ffa500;
.warnRed {
  color: #FF4500;
  font-size: larger;

Additional notes with their own styling

On the next card, you’re going to learn how to make your website’s layout more interesting!

  • To get ready, make a page that has one article and two aside elements inside the <main> </main> tags. Or if you prefer, you can work with the Protected Birds page on my website.