Check More Than One Thing

What if you want to check if the user’s number is big enough, and let them know if it’s not?

You can combine conditions by using and and or. So you could write code like this:

if(my_number >= 20 and my_number < 30):
    print("That number is in the twenties!")

Or, for example:

if(food == "Cake" or food == "Chocolate" or food == "Pie"):
    print("Sounds tasty!")

Check whether the user’s number is bigger than 100. Then, either congratulate the user on giving a number that’s big enough, or tell them where they didn’t pick a number big enough.

Try this:

name = input("What is your name?")
my_number = input("Hello "+name+" please pick a number that's bigger than 100")
my_number = int(my_number)
print("Your number is "+str(my_number))

if(my_number > 100):
    print("That's a big number!")
    print("That number is too small!")

The code inside the else statement runs whenever the condition in the bracket of the if statement isn’t true.

More conditions

What if you want to tell the user when they’re close, for example if they’ve picked a number over 90?

Then you can use an elif statement! That name is the words ‘else’ and ‘if’ stuck together. The code inside an elif statements runs only when the condition in the if statement is not true and the condition in the elif statement’s brackets is true.

Here’s what you add to get the program to tell the user they’re close:

elif(my_number > 90):
    print("Almost there!")

Now add those lines into the rest of your program. Notice that the elif statements has to come between the if and the else statements.

name = input("What is your name?")
my_number = input("Hello "+name+" please pick a number that's bigger than 100")
my_number = int(my_number)
print("Your number is "+str(my_number))

if(my_number > 100):
    print("That's a big number!")
elif(my_number > 90):
    print("Almost there!")
    print("That number is too small!")