


How to build an HTML game in 5 lines. Ninjas learn to build their first text-based adventure game using HTML. The game consists of a series of web pages where each page is one step/room in the story. 1hr 15mins.



We ignored body tags and such. We can deal with doing things correctly after learning how to do.


  • index.html
   My name is <b>Techbot</b>


   My name is <i>Techbot</i>


    You are standing in front of a castle surrounded by a <b>shark filled</b> moat. You can <i>enter</i> the castle or <i>jump</i> in the moat.
    <a href ="room1.html">Enter</a> or <a href="room2.html"> Jump </a>
  • room1.html
   you are in the castle <br/>
    <img src="castle.jpg">
  • room2.html
   You are dead

This took roughly an hour and fifteen minutes per class, taking into account:

  • Windows OS not showing extensions by default.
  • Some issues with editing html files on a MacOS with the default editor.
  • Standard typos
  • Giving the kids from 10-20 minutes (up to 6 months)to expand on the idea.


Embedding inline css to centre both the text and image and create a border

Step 1

we create a “container” to house our elements. At present the container has no attributes so when you refresh in the browser you see no changes. Our cotainer is called a division and looks like thissome code

 You are standing in front of a castle surrounded by a <b>shark filled</b> moat. You can <i>enter</i> the castle or <i>jump</i> in the moat.
    <a href ="room1.html">Enter</a> or <a href="room2.html"> Jump </a>

Step 2

we give our div a width, and a border.

 <div "style =
width: 500px;
border: 1px red solid;
 You are standing in front of a castle surrounded by a <b>shark filled</b> moat. You can <i>enter</i> the castle or <i>jump</i> in the moat.
    <a href ="room1.html">Enter</a> or <a href="room2.html"> Jump </a>

Step 3

Finally we add a margin , we can use four numbers 1 for top, 1 for bottom, 1 for left and 1 for right. Or we can use two numbers: 1 for top and bottom, and 1 for left and right.

We can also replace the number with auto, which has the effect of centering the div

 <div "style =
width: 500px;
border: 1px red solid;
margin: 0 auto;"
 You are standing in front of a castle surrounded by a <b>shark filled</b> moat. You can <i>enter</i> the castle or <i>jump</i> in the moat.
    <a href ="room1.html">Enter</a> or <a href="room2.html"> Jump </a>
How to build a HTML game in 5 lines- From Galway Dojo #1,1. Credit: Techbot
How to build a HTML game in 5 lines Part II - From Galway Dojo #1,2. Credit: Techbot
How to build a HTML game in 5 lines Part III - From Galway Dojo #1,3. Credit: Techbot