Advanced Unity Sushi

Moving Two Players

Time to use the class you just created!

  • Open the “StartingCodeForPlayer” script. In it, you will find a some code already completed. This code has already been covered in previous tutorials, feel free to take a look through the code to understand what it does!

Creating an object is done by using the constructor you created earlier. This is called instantiating an object. In C# this is done with the new keyword. We will make a cat and a dog (the dog being the orange one and the cat the grey one).

  • In the “PlayerController” script class, add the declarations public Player dog; and public Player cat; to the top of the PlayerController class, above void Start().

  • Add the line cat = new Player("cat"); in the Start() function. It will create a new player object that’s variable name is cat. Then do the same again, but replacing cat with dog.

Check my code

Make sure your code looks like this in the PlayerController class:

public Player cat;
public Player dog;

void Start()
    cat = new Player("cat");
    dog = new Player("dog");

Now you have two objects, you need to get input from the user and assign what the user input does. You can use the mover(Player player, KeyCode left, KeyCode right, KeyCode up) function in the “StartingCodeFor Player” script.

  • Put these lines of code into the void Update() function:
startingcode.mover(dog, KeyCode.A, KeyCode.D, KeyCode.W);
startingcode.mover(cat, KeyCode.LeftArrow, KeyCode.RightArrow, KeyCode.UpArrow);

Using different controls

You can change these KeyCodes to whatever keys you want them to be!

Here is a list of KeyCodes:

Now you can move the two different sprites at the same time!

  • Try it out!