Global Food App

What Next?

Now you know how to build this quiz, what else can you do with this code? On this card, I’m going to give you a few ideas, but you can always come up with something cooler.

  • What about an interactive story that helps people understand what it’s like to live with a particular condition? You can use the same blocks you use to move from one screen to the next and move around screens based on users’ decisions. You can create a story where, for example, you can decide to go into one room or another, or choose what to say to a person you meet from a list of options. If you map your idea out on paper first, you can create a complex branching story with loads of different characters, secrets, and endings!

  • You can build an app that gives information on different screens, connected with buttons, about anything you’re interested in! You can try adding an Image component to the screen and uploading pictures too. In this way, I buildt an app about global food production, with pictures and information about what each country produces and where the food gets exported to.

You can see this app on App Inventor here: