Guide To My Country 1.0

Making a List

Now you will learn how to turn a list of items, such as “unicorns, robots, cats”, into a nicer-looking list that you can do cool things with later.

  • In the index.html file, add the following code just above the line with </main> on it:

The result should be a nice list like this:

Unordered list

Notice that there is a separate pair of <li> </li> tags around each item in the list.

This is a list of some animals you might see in Ireland. You can change the items on the list to things that make sense for your website, and add a paragraph above the list to describe what it’s a list of, if you like!

How about if you wanted a numbered list? It’s almost the same, but instead of <ul>, you use <ol>. A numbered list is also called an ordered list.

  • Add the following code below the code you just wrote — make sure it’s below the </ul> tag!
    My favourite things to eat and drink in Ireland are:
    <li>Crisp sandwiches</li>

Here’s what it should look like now:

Ordered list

Challenge: add style to your lists

  • See if you can add CSS rules to your stylesheet to change how your lists look.